Wakil-wakil IPK yang hadir ke International Nite termasuk Dr Silesh bersama isteri. Noorhayati Abdul Wahab turut ditemani anakanda lelaki.
When we decide to climb a mountain, make sure we have a mountain bike because we don't have much time to depend on our feet. Your time duration will be shorter and you will reach the top not just on time but it can be in time.
Monday, June 29, 2009
IPS International Nite 2009
Wakil-wakil IPK yang hadir ke International Nite termasuk Dr Silesh bersama isteri. Noorhayati Abdul Wahab turut ditemani anakanda lelaki.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
PRK Manek Urai : Fauzi vs Tuan Aziz
Saturday, June 27, 2009
BBQ sempena Jun
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sekadar berkongsi...
2010 sudah hampir dan sepatutnya sekolah ini telah menjadi juara di dalam daerah dalam pelbagai aktiviti sebelum menamatkan keterbilangan dengan melahirkan murid-murid yang bersedia untuk menjadi remaja. Selamat berjaya SK Kamil 2 dengan misi dan visi yang tercatat itu.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Neda Agha Sultan
Kalau ingin tahu, teruskan pencarian anda NEDA AGHA SULTAN
My first step to Marathon
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Duit Rakyat Untuk M Princ.
IMAM GHAZALI Apa yang paling berat didunia?
Murid 1: Baja
Murid 2: Besi
Murid 3: Gajah
Imam Ghazali: Semua itu benar, tapi yang paling be! rat adalah MEMEGANG AMANAH (Surah Al-Azab : 72 ). Tumbuh-tumbuhan, binatang, gunung, dan malaikat semua tidak mampu ketika Allah SWT meminta mereka menjadi khalifah pemimpin) di dunia ini. Tetapi manusia dengan sombongnya berebut-rebut menyanggupi permintaan Allah SWT sehingga banyak manusia masuk ke neraka kerana gagal memegang amanah. (dipetik dari email Abu, 2009)
Marilah kita bersama-sama fikirkan betapa banyaknya duit rakyat yang dihadiahkan kepada kita selama dua tahun.......
Kita sedang memegang amanah yang besar kerana kita telah menandatangani untuk menerimanya dan sekarang adalah masanya selama 4 tahun kita membalasnya balik kepada rakyat. Apa yang menjadi keinginan rakyat dan selari dengan tuntutan agama maka itulah jalan sebainya bagi kita selama 4 tahun.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Temerloh at 6.10 pm
Monday, June 22, 2009
39 tahun yang lalu
Kini anak itu telah berumur 39 tahun. Sepanjang hidupnya dipenuhi dengan kasih sayang yang tidak berbelah bagi dari ibu yang telah melahirkannya.
Terima kasih Ma. Aku mengharapkan agar hari ini akan menjadi permulaan kepada kehidupan yang lebih baik dan ketaatan yang lebih ikhlas dalam menjalankan ibadah sebagai hamba Allah di dunia yang sementara ini. Ya Allah! Berikalah kekuatan kepada hamba ini yang lemah dan tak berdaya melainkan dengan kekuatan yang dipinjamkan oleh Mu. Tunjukkan lah daku jalan yang benar supaya aku akan hidup di hormati dan menjadi ibadah yang membawa ku ke Syurga Mu.
Selamat Berjaya Azhan di hari lahir mu.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Perancangan 3 Julai 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Demi Rujukan
Malam td pula, kami berempat telah membeli durian dan lebihan durian 2/3 biji lah jadi pengisi ruang kekosongan di perut sementara menunggu satu sama lain menyelesaikan bab 1 - 5 dan termasuk semua yang wajib disertakan kepada penyelia pada Isnin nanti. Pukul 2.30 ptg barulah dapat mencapai keputusan untuk keluar bersama-sama mencari BRUNCH.
Teringat pula kedai kasut di Jalan Ipoh yang sedang menunggu pelanggan, hari ini ketiga-tiga sahabat telah mendapatkan kasut sepasang setiap orang yang sama model.
Kabur-kabur aje pandangan ni, mengatntuk giler..chow dulu, lelap sekejap.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Kalau lah...
Bolehkah saya dapatkan maklumat tentang penempatan kami sebab tajaan akan tamat pada Julai nanti
Begini yer
Apabila tamat nanti, encik datang ke Bahagian Tajaan dan dapatkan surat perakuan tamat belajar. Lepas itu, berjumpalah dengan pegawai di mana-mana bahagian jika ingin berkhidmat di situ. Jika ingin ke sekolah, terus dtg ke BSM dan kami akan keluarkan memo mengikut negeri yang ingin dipohon...
Kalaulah..... betul
6 Julai aku dah di Putra Jaya
Thursday, June 18, 2009
My Abstract
The purpose of this study is to identify the principal’s role in implementing curriculum innovation in school based on the dimensions namely instructional leadership style, transformational leadership style and change facilitator ( responder, the manager and the initiator) seen from the teachers' perception. A survey method using questionnaire was constructed by the researcher based on the instrument used by Rubaiya Abu Nawas (2006) for the leadership style was employed. The items for measuring change facilitator were constructed based on Hussein Mahmood (2008) and the items for the level of curriculum innovation implementation were taken from nine teaching models (MOE, 2003). The questionnaire was administered to 75 teachers from a secondary school in the district of Pasir Puteh which included 3 vice principals and 4 heads of departments. The data was processed using the SPSS version 16.0. The findings of the study were presented using mean, percentage and frequencies. Spearman rho’s correlation was used to measure the relationship. The findings of the study show that a high level of curriculum innovation implementation as perceived by the teachers. The finding also reveal that the principal plays an important role as instructional leader, transformational leader and changed facilitator. A significant positive correlation was identified between the principal as a transformational leader and the implementation level of curriculum innovation among teachers. There is also a positive and significant correlation identified between the principal role as the changed facilitator and the implementation level of curriculum innovation among teachers. However, there is no significant correlation between the instructional style of principal and the implementation level of curriculu innovation. In general, this research supports the importance of the principal’s role in carrying out curriculum innovation in school.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Panduan pertukaran guru
KEMENTERIAN Pelajaran ingin merujuk surat Maziah Izifah, Mersing, Johor bertajuk 'Guru tiada kabel susah mohon pertukaran' disiarkan ruangan ini, 6 Jun lalu.
Berikut ialah Dasar Pengurusan Pertukaran Guru Antara Negeri dan Bahagian Kementerian Pelajaran:
Berdasarkan keperluan ABM perjawatan diluluskan bagi tahun berkenaan
Kekosongan jawatan semasa di negeri dan sekolah dipohon.
Keperluan opsyen/mata pelajaran di negeri yang dipohon.
Asas Pertimbangan lain:
a. Keperluan perkhidmatan berdasarkan kekosongan jawatan dan opsyen.
b. Ancaman keselamatan (mesti sertakan bersama dengan laporan polis).
Ugutan atau ancaman bunuh ke atas diri sendiri/ suami/ isteri/ anak.
Ugutan atau ancaman cedera ke atas diri sendiri/ suami/ isteri/ anak.
c. Kes kesihatan kronik (mesti mempunyai laporan kesihatan yang disahkan oleh doktor pakar kerajaan).
Kes kesihatan kronik diri
Kes kesihatan kronik keluarga (suami/isteri/ anak)
d. Ikut suami/isteri
Kenaikan pangkat suami/isteri
Arahan bertukar suami/isteri
Keadaan biasa (suami/isteri berada di negeri yang dipohon)
Permohonan bersama hanya dipertimbangkan untuk pertukaran bulan Januari
e. Memenuhi tempoh perkhidmatan
Tempoh kelayakan bagi permohonan pertukaran ialah berkhidmat sekurang-kurangnya tiga tahun di negeri terakhir.
Bagaimanapun, kelulusan permohonan itu adalah tertakluk kepada keperluan dan kekosongan jawatan di negeri yang dipohon.
Guru dilarang menggunakan pengaruh luar untuk mendapatkan kelulusan pertukaran dan ia selari dengan Perintah-Perintah Am Peraturan 4(2)(h), Peraturan-Peraturan Awam (Kelakuan dan Tatatertib) 1993 dan Surat Aku Janji Pegawai Perkhidmatan Awam.
Pegawai Perhubungan Awam Kementerian Pelajaran.
rasa-rasa ada tak orang yang dah kena hukuman sebab guna pengaruh politik untuk bertukar sebab kebanyakan yang dapat balik ada jer hubungan sepupu sepapat dengan pegawai
Gaya bujang..
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Abstrak Kajian Saya
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peranan pengetua dalam pelaksanaan inovasi kurikulum di sekolah berdasarkan kepada dimensi gaya kepemimpinan pengajaran, gaya kepemimpinan transformasi dan pemudah cara perubahan sebagai ‘responder’, pengurus dan perintis daripada persepsi guru. Kaedah tinjauan dengan menggunakan soal selidik telah dipilih untuk kajian ini. Bagi tujuan penyelidikan ini, instrumen kajian telah dibina oleh pengkaji dengan merujuk kepada soal selidik yang digunakan oleh Rubaiya Abu Nawas (2006), dimensi pemudah cara perubahan adalah merujuk kepada Hussein Mahmood (2008) manakala tahap pelaksanaan inovasi kurikulum pula dirujuk kepada 9 model pengajaran KBSM oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. Responden kajian terdiri daripada 75 orang guru di sebuah sekolah menengah di daerah Pasir Puteh yang melibatkan semua guru termasuk Penolong-Penolong Kanan dan Ketua-ketua Bidang. Dapatan kajian dihuraikan secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan min, peratus dan kekerapan. Korelasi Spearman rho digunakan untuk melihat perhubungan di antara dimensi-dimensi. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap pelaksanaan inovasi kurikulum dalam kalangan guru adalah tinggi berdasarkan persepsi guru. Dapatan kajian juga mendapati bahawa pengetua memainkan peranan yang aktif sebagai pemimpin pengajaran, pemimpin transformasi dan juga pemudah cara perubahan. Korelasi Spearman rho menunjukkan bahawa terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan di antara kepemimpinan transformasi pengetua dengan tahap pelaksanaan inovasi kurikulum. Hubungan positif yang signifikan juga diperolehi di antara peranan pengetua sebagai pemudah cara perubahan dengan tahap pelaksanaan inovasi kurikulum. Bagaimanapun, dapatan kajian menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan diantara gaya kepemimpinan pengajaran dengan tahap pelaksanaan inovasi kurikulum. Secara am, dapatan kajian menyokong kepentingan peranan pengetua terhadap pelaksanaan inovasi kurikulum.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Apa ertinya air di dalam telaga
Semua orang tahu bahawa di dalam telaga selalunya ada air yang boleh digunakan untuk mandi, mencuci dan sebagainya. Air di dalam telaga adalah ibarat ilmu yang bercampur. Setiap kali air dicebuk, maka ilmu itu akan dapat digunakan oleh kita untuk kehidupan di dunia dan kebahagiaan di akhirat. Di dalamnya, terdapat pelbagai bakteria yang merbahaya tetapi air wajib diminum untuk kesinambungan hidup. 2/3 daripada tubuh kita mengandungi air. Itulah ibaratnya ilmu yang mempunyai pelbagai samada kejahatan mahupun kebaikan. Pilihan di tangan kita.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
kita serupa....
Bukit Keluang
Patutlah blog tak berupdate dan projek tergendala.. di sini rupanya dia. Hidup bukan untuk diri kita semata-mata. Memikirkan untuk kegembiraan orang lain juga merupakan satu keseronokan.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Masa terus berlalu.................
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Health Wellness Day
Nik Muza mengambik peranan sebagai juru kamera blogger network seperti biasa.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Ustaz Nasharuddin : Anda sedang ditanya
Don't test PAS members on Tok Guru Nik Aziz. Don't test PAS members' patience in this regard. Don't test PAS members' loyalty to Nik Aziz.
By An angry PAS youth leader (Malacca)
Newly re-elected PAS Deputy President Ustaz Nasharuddin Mat Isa was quoted by The Malaysian Insider rubbishing the stance of PAS's spiritual leader Tok Guru Dato' Nik Aziz's position on PAS-Umno talk. http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/index.php/malaysia/28831-no2-says-tok-guru-is-not-pas. Mat Isa said Tok Guru's statement regarding his total rejection of PAS-Umno unity talk was personal and that PAS members “take the party's stance.” He added that there were many issues that could be discussed between the political parties and that he (and his ilk) have “an open attitude when it comes to holding discussions.”
Before I proceed, I would like to say this to Mat Isa: Don't test PAS members on Tok Guru Nik Aziz. Don't test PAS members' patience in this regard. Don't test PAS members' loyalty to Nik Aziz. Woe and woe unto you if you dare to do that. I can assure you that you will lose ignominiously if you continue with this kurang ajar culture in PAS.
Dear Nasa, you are overreaching yourself and you are pushing many a silent people to the limits. You would have to shoulder the consequences. Who are you to contradict Nik Aziz? Dato Dr Haron Din was quoted saying yesterday that “the difference between an Islamic and a non-Islamic party is loyalty to leadership”, now you are turning PAS into “un-Islamic” party by being kurang ajar and utterly nefarious and a disloyal figure to PAS's ultimate leadership.
You weren't born when Tok Guru Nik Aziz was fighting for PAS and its ideals. You can't lecture him on PAS and what it stands for. No one in PAS can do. He is PAS's conscience and his courage and fatigue represents the spirit of this nation. Despite his advanced age, deteriorating health and uninterrupted 20-year rule of Kelantan, he continues to wake up every morning to serve Islam, his people and nation (you do nothing). And Malaysians (Muslims and non-Muslims) can attest to one hard fact: that Nik Aziz is the conscience of this nation.
In 2008, you used his magic to win a seat in Kelantan while you couldn't dare to stand in your home state of Negri Sembilan. In 1999, you won a seat in Kedah purely on Anwar Ibrahim's expulsion from Umno which rocked the Malay community to the extreme. When you stood in Besut, Terengganu in 2004, you lost badly in a purely Malay constituency. What does that tell you? You have no influence on your own to steer PAS to greater heights neither do you have the vision to strengthen it for future challenges. All that you do is engage in shadowy work and even contradict our leaders and betray our friends who have been useful to us.
Ustaz Nasharuddin, when talking about PAS-Umno unity talk, please answer the following questions:
Why now?
Why not before the March 08 general elections?
What should we unite for? On what? About what? For what?
Is PAS a pure Islamic party that represents Malays and non-Malay Muslims or a Malay party?
What are the issues that we need to talk about? List them ONE by ONE. No cheap talk please!
Why PAS and Umno and not PAS, PKR DAP on one hand and Umno/BN on the other?
Why PAS and Umno and not PAS and PKR on one hand and Umno on the other?
Why you and not Najib Razak and Anwar Ibrahim, after all Anwar has more Malay support than you do and he is the head of Pakatan?
What is it that Umno lacks that need PAS support? The passage of Hudud laws in Parliament? Did Umno bring such laws to Parliament in the first place? And even if Umno were to do so, (which will never happen anyway), do we need to talk? Can't we support such amendments while we are pure PAS members in Parliament?
Why did we go into the elections to get PAS leaders of our own and now you are telling us that we need to follow Umno leaders? Do you know we paid many prices for being in PAS? Do you know that Umno tormented us for decades for being in PAS? Do we need to list the agony and pain we went through? Or Nik Aziz as Kelantan MB went through?
What is it that Umno led by Najib Razak realizes today that needs our support? Be specific. You aren't singing lullabies to children.
In what way do we keep the legacy of all past PAS Presidents by betraying their legacies when they left us for God's mercy?
Is Umno ready to improve the police, judiciary and civil service personnel that it needs our Parliamentary support?
And if that's the case, PKR and DAP will support such plans (which Umno will never do anyway), so when will we have PAS, PKR and DAP vs Umno “unity talk”?
Is it us who chose to be the enemies of Umno or Umno chose otherwise?
Is it us who tormented Umno people or it is us who paid heavy prices for being in PAS?
If the talk is about “issues concerning the nation” as you said, then why do we need constant talk about it in the media so much so that you fail in your parliamentary duties and as a PAS leader?
Is it PAS alone that's concerned about the nation? What about PR parties and NGOs? Are they part of the “issue driven discussions”?
Why are you interested in something that will divide PAS and make us lose focus while we are on threshold of achieving an imminent victory in the near future insya Allah?
Perak PAS Commissioner Ustaz Ahmad Awang revealed in the Muktamar that a “national PAS” leader has tried to influence him to accept an all Malay state government in Perak, who is this leader?
Do you think Malaysia as a nation state can continue to exist if we go on that road and impose Malay leadership on a state like Perak which has more than 45% non-Malay inhabitants?
In your opinion, was that leader right in suggesting that idea that Ustaz Ahmad Awang rejected?
Non-Muslims who have shunned us for 5 decades are running to us; do we embrace them and show them the hospitality and protection Islam offers them or do we return them to the “enemy” they ran from?
Umno started attacking the Chinese and Indians when they deserted Umno for PAS, yet Umno won in 1999 on Chinese and Indian vote and not Malay vote, why did Umno not call for Malay unity?
Is it only PAS that needs to be fearful of Malays when it gets non-Malay vote? Since when did PAS Malay supporters show enmity towards non-Muslim PAS supporters? Did PAS lose Malay ground by getting Chinese and Indian support? If that's the case, why is Umno desperately trying to woo them back?
Do you think Umno would talk of Malay unity if it was getting the “fixed deposit” Chinese and Indian votes as usual?
How would Islam's image be affected by your betrayal to the non-Muslims?
Do you know that for Islam to be implemented in Malaysia, we need the understanding of the non-Muslim community? Did we learn from Sudan's former military President Jaafar Nimeiri who imposed Sharia while ignoring the views of the non-Muslim community? Many Islamic scholars implored him to “at least” make the non-Muslim community to understand what was being done. But Nimeiri being a military man went ahead and declared Sudan an Islamic state and crushed all the opposition. Today, we have Southern Sudan (to be a separate nation in 2011) as a result. The nation continues to bleed till today. All it took was for one man to rush and pretend that he was intelligent and “God fearing” and that he was “uniting Muslims under God's decrees”.
Do you appreciate that Anwar Ibrahim and Lim Kit Siang have been useful to us?
Do you appreciate that DAP has improved our image in the Chinese heartland so much so that Chinese villagers who would have puked at seeing PAS's flag today overwhelmingly vote for us?
If yes, how do we repay them? Do we betray them and ignore them or we build better bridges with them and from thereon move forward and have our direct contact with the Chinese community established?
Do you appreciate that PKR and DAP have been useful to us? Between Umno and PKR and DAP, which party(ies) has helped us to be where we are now? Umno fought us, fights us and continues to do so in a cruel manner, do PKR and DAP do the same?
Do you believe PAS alone can rule Malaysia NOW? If yes, how? If not, how do we go about it?
Do you believe that Anwar Ibrahim's New Economic Agenda, the Lingam Tapes, his detailed NEP misuse information, his mistreatment at the hands of Umno, the 1998 episode, his charisma, his experience, his networks, his campaign for our members in different states and his ability to convince DAP leaders to stop attacking PAS and instead concentrate on Umno has been useful to PAS and enabled us to win in a number of places we couldn't imagine? Remember, it was only Anwar and Raja Petra Kamaruddin who repeatedly said Umno will be routed prior to the elections while BN media practically lynched Anwar and asked “who is Anwar”?
If your answer is yes, how do we repay him? Do we betray him now or we work with him and after he leaves, we install either you, Husam or Mohd Nizar as a replacement? If not, tell us how you won your seat in Yan in Kedah in 1999.
If you have popular Malay support, why did you lose in Besut? Why did PAS lose Terengganu since we are “more Malay” than Umno itself? Did you learn something? Why did Nik Aziz maintain his grip on Kelantan? Any lessons?
We used Mohd Nizar as an experiment and it yielded results; how do we achieve a national result now? And in what way does talking to Umno make PAS's ideals realized?
An Islamic party has a moral duty to its Muslim and non-Muslim friends. Why are you reluctant to have a “unity talk” with either PKR or DAP or at least PKR which is a multiracial party but a Malay majority party in the grip of Malay leadership as well? Where is your honour in showing respect to comrades who struggle(d) with you?
What are the similarities between Umno and PAS that necessitates talk in the first place?
Many of our leaders are victims of ISA and other cruel Umno engineered rulings just like all PKR and DAP leaders are as well, what are the ideals we share with Umno that calls for PAS to desert like-minded PKR and DAP leaders for Umno leaders like Najib, Nazri Aziz, Kerismuddin, Bung Mukhtar Radin and Khairy?
PAS contested non-Malay seats and won (take Dr Siti Mariah for example); PKR (Malay MPs) have contested non-Malay seats (take Zahrain Mohd Hashem of Penang-PKR) but DAP didn't contest a single seat with Malay majority. So, in what way does DAP constitute a danger to us?
If Malays are divided, who is to blame? And when did this division start? How and why was PKR formed? Why was PAS ejected out of BN when we joined them after we lost everything?
Which party closed its door on many Malays and even passed a resolution banning the return of any party member who has defected to another party? Umno! The same Umno wants Malay unity now? You buy that? And that unity is about what? After all, even a husband and a wife are not united!
PAS has been there for decades, were we united with Umno? If the unity talk is about issues, we supported Umno on certain issues in the past and we can do now when need be, so why talk about unity?
Does Umno have a heavenly decree to rule Malaysia and lead the Malays? Why NOT insist on PAS totally replacing Umno as the dominant party in Malaysia and lead Malaysia as well?
In what way do we achieve PAS's struggle by talking to Umno or uniting with it?
PKR and DAP have supported issue based discussions in the past. Anwar said he is ready to meet Najib on Perak. Anwar said he is ready to support constitutional changes that improve the judiciary and other state institutions. Lim Kit Siang repeated the same. But they didn't talk about PKR-Umno unity or Umno-DAP unity! Why us? Can't we be a constructive opposition party without ever meeting Umno face to face?
Why do you need to demoralize the highly charged PAS now?
Umno Kelantan leader Che-Alwi has called on Tok Guru Nik Aziz to resign since he couldn't get his “people” into PAS Central working committee, do you realise that it is you more than any one else who has divided PAS and is confusing the younger cadres? And do you cherish Umno leaders badmouthing PAS' most respected political figure? Yet you want to talk to Umno? So you want to reward them for humiliating Nik Aziz?
Khairy launched a scathing attack on Tok Guru Nik Aziz and hired Mat Rempits during last year's elections, he said Nik Aziz failed and can't provide leadership. He came up with the Pade-doh campaign that humiliated the elderly leader. Tok Guru cried and many of us did whatever we could to rally to him. The same Khairy today says we should unite. So you support Khairy instead of Nik Aziz? For you Khairy and his ilk are better than Nik Aziz? Explain yourself!
Why are you wasting PAS's time on irrelevant issues that will never happen rather than strengthen the party, raise its profile among the unwilling Malay supporters and further engage the non-Malays, Sarawakians and Sabahans?
Why are you silent? Why is Utusan your media? Why not the popular blogs, Malaysiakini, Malaysian Insider, Malaysia-Today, The Nutgraph etc?
Tell us what you have done for PAS and PR in regard to making policies, revising them or coming up with issues that are of concern to Malaysians.
Rather than wasting your time in seeking Utusan Malaysia coverage, why not spend time with PAS's soldiers in the trenches in Negri Sembilan, Johore, Pahang, Malacca and other states who are preparing for the future?
Umno won't give PAS the PM post, so why should we talk? Doesn't that mean you despise your own leaders?
You can't manage a simple victory like the one we have had now, how do you intend to manage a bigger one? You are exactly the kind of leaders martyr Sayid Qutb warned against when he wrote in his “This Religion” book that an Islamic leader who can't manage victory will betray Islam's cause.
Do you know for a leader to succeed, he has to be loved by his soldiers? Why are you making yourself hated in PAS and Pakatan? Why not listen to what the voters want? Are you honest with your Creator and yourself and with us?
What gives you the strength to contradict Tok Guru Nik Aziz? Is he your age-mate? Can you tell us one achievement he has accomplished on any front that you remotely even tried to achieve let alone achieving?
Many people (the intellectuals, economists, authors, NGO's and highly educated/urbanite Malays) don't understand PAS. What have you done in the past one year for them to understand us? What have you done to make PAS liked by all people so that it becomes a giant party in the future and even rule alone or with PKR?
Umno is for racism which is haram in Islam, selective justice, tribal hegemony, oppression, exploitation, endemic corruption, family rule, hatred, division, lies, sodomy and dirty politics, total destruction of state institutions (look at Perak), and in Umno's history, it has the least popular leader in Najib Razak today. For God's sake, what do we benefit from such a party and scandalized leadership? Do you believe we share more with Umno than with PKR and DAP?
We are waiting for answers and we demand them now. We are becoming impatient. When we voted for you (including myself who is a youth leader from Malacca), we did it because we hate to humiliate incumbent leaders and your age also mattered.
You were young and we thought a new chance had to be given to you. Removing an incumbent was more traumatizing for us as PAS members than installing a new one. That is why Datuk Husam Musa was not elected. It is not that he is not liked. He is indeed. Far more liked than you. From now on, we demand that you stop your unity talk nonsense and concentrate on PAS and PR. Otherwise tell us the truth and then we can go our separate ways. As simple as that!