Selamat berjuang kepada semua ahli parlimen yang bermula hari ini selepas mengangkat sumpah sebagai ahli parlimen. Dengan keseimbangan yang agak setara maka diharapkan ia akan menjadi medan untuk memberikan kebaikan kepada rakyat malaysia untuk mula mendapat kebajikan yang sewajarnya daripada pemerintah baik di peringkat pusat ataupun negeri.
Di sini saya cuba membayangkan di mana dalam perbahasan itu berlaku satu situasi yang menunjukkan semua pihak cuba menyatakan hak ataupun keinginan masing2 untuk membantu rakyat di bawah jagaan masing2 tanpa ada rasa pihak tertentu akan hanya memikirkan keuntungan kawan2 masing 2 tetapi ternyata semua pihak akan memoohon agar rakyat dibela tanpa mengira parti dan bangsa kerana tuhan telah menjadikan kita berbagai bangsa adalah untuk kenal mengenal antara satu sama lain.
Saya pernah ditanya oleh seorang wanita tentang siapa yang patut mereka undi dalam pru12 , dan inilah jawapan saya, sekiranya ditakdirkan ada kesimbangan dalam parlimen maka semua pihak terpaksa berhati hati dalam mencadang dan melaksanakan apa sahaja perkara kerana mereka tahu rakyat sedang menilai mereka, ini bukan bermakna kerajaan adalah lemah tetapi semua pihak akan begitu teliti dalam membuat perkiraan kerana satu kesilapan langkah akan menjatuhkan sebuah kerajaan.
Saya juga memberitahu bahawa Quran dan Hadis mesti menjadi sumber rujukan kita kerana jika tidak kita akan tersasar dan sesat yang merugikan kita di dunia dan akhirat. Saya tidak tahu siapa yang dipilihnya dalam pru tersebut tetapi yang saya boleh buktikan adalah keseimbangan telah berlaku dalam dewan rakyat hari ini dan tentunya semua rakyat berdoa agar kebajikan mereka akan dijaga oleh mana mana kerajaan samada Barisan Nasional ataupun Pakatan Rakyat. Kerajaan Pusat mesti bertindak dengan adil kerana semua khazanah yang ada pada mereka adalah hak milik rakyat dan mesti dijaga dan diagihkan sebetulnya supaya hisab ke atas pemimpin pada hari akhirat nanti adalah mudah dan diredhai oleh Allah SWT.
Akhirnya, Jangan mengelakkan diri dari berada dalam jamaah kerana itulah sebaik baiknya.
When we decide to climb a mountain, make sure we have a mountain bike because we don't have much time to depend on our feet. Your time duration will be shorter and you will reach the top not just on time but it can be in time.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
ideal weight

Today I'm feeling well, alhamdulillah and thank's Allah for giving me all this kind of feeling. We are still given the feel to have our breakfast and this morning, again, I put thousand of calories as the food intake.
My weight is 87 kg and in this three months I had put on 3 kg. I started to do exercise yesterday because I was worried and hope that I will get my ideal weight by the end of this year. I have 8 more months and I dont want the target to be just on my day dreaming. I'm sure with little commitment I can achieve this target because I used to exercise (jogging ) daily before. My problem since July last year had been a reason to my weigt gain.
I will start to do brisk walking if the pain in my chest and stomach decrease. By controlling the amount of food in terms of calories, I really ambitious to have my 32" waistline and my two months' of daily push ups had shown a good result where I start to be more muscular than before.
I know that by exercising and food control are the answer to overweight problem but we have to give full commitment to get the ideal weight. Last time, I put a few photos of Mr Fitness on the wall of my living room and everyday I will talk to myself that if I cannot get the shape like them, by getting half of them was counted successful.
Today , 28 of Mei with 87 kg of weight, I will again write about this after I reduce my weight two months from now.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
P.E. lesson, is it a school problem?

Last night I watched a football match between Liverpool(my favourite team) and Birmigham and the 2-2 drew had shown that the team should expose the players more often to make sure that they will play up to the standard. I said so because I believe that practise makes perfect.
Everyday in school, I can see many students play football at the field during P.E. lessons. They are playing so happily and there is a P.E. teacher standing among them to watch them playing for about 40 minutes. I'm worried that they will grow up without bringing together the skills because I have experienced playing volleyball with some friends who had average height of 5' 10" above. They kept telling me that they didn't have any teacher to teach them how to dig the ball and never they had a chance to learn how to spike. We really need teachers who are not just teaching P.E. for the sake of teaching but they should teach the students so that they will not blame their teachers in the future. I also disagreed with the suggestion from a teacher who had brought up many A's students in maths and physics that suggested the school to use the P.E. lessons as a time for drilling the students with the questions. That's why nowdays we lack of good athletes and I don't see the reasons of being weaker students from participating in P.E. lessons. JERI in National Philosophy of Education is set to be implement not as a rhetoric and that's why we are producing weaker generation day by day.
Let's make a move, go back to older days where children again using their evening playing on the field rather than watching tv or playing cd games or else.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
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